34 research outputs found

    Biological properties of domestic strain vRub-Ant of rubella virus

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    Introduction. Rubella is a mild infectious disease affecting mainly children and is caused by the rubella virus, part of the Matonoviridae family, genus Rubivirus. Rubella causes congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) and is the main cause of developmental abnormalities, especially blindness and deafness. There is no specific treatment for rubella and CRS. In order to avoid possible complications from rubella infection, a live attenuated rubella vaccine based on the foreign strain of Wistar RA 27/3 rubella virus is used. However, the actual, more effective and preferred vaccine strain the rubella virus for the Russian Federation is considered to be a viral strain of rubella circulating on its territory. The aim of the study was to study the biological properties of the developed domestic cold-adapted strain vRub-Ant circulating in the territory of the Russian Federation. Materials and methods. Following cell cultures were used in the study human embryo lung diploid cell strain LECH-3, transferable cell line from embryonic kidney cells of green monkeys Vero CCL-81 and Vero ECC, human mesenchymal stem cells, human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Cell cultures were grown on a DMEM/F12 nutrient medium with the addition of 5% fetal bovine serum. Swabs from the pharynx and nasal passages from a child with rubella were used as clinical virus-containing material. Monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies m(anti-ID)Ab were used to assess the expression level of alpha/beta and gamma interferon receptors (/ and IFN-R)Ab, imitating the biological effects of alpha/beta and gamma interferons (/ and IFN) of humans. The cultural, virological, immunochemical and serological research methods were applied in the study. Results. Attenuation of the vRub-Ant clinical isolate of rubella virus was carried out for 20 consecutive passages on LECH-3 diploid cells at a reduced temperature of 30C. The main biological markers of attenuation were determined to be ts and ca phenotypes. The avirulence of the attenuated viral strain (att-phenotype) was assessed by the level of expression of / and IFN-R. A lower level of / and IFN-R expression was found on the membranes of human PBMC induced by the vaccine strain vRub-Ant in comparison with the parent wild variant of the rubella virus. This trait,the att phenotype, is characteristic of attenuated viral strains. It has been shown that the vaccine strain vRub-Ant has lost neurotropism and was unable to bind to the membrane receptors of the brain (MRB) of guinea pig embryos, unlike its parent rubella virus strain. The high immunogenicity of the domestic cold-adapted strain vRub-Ant was confirmed by high titers of neutralizing rubella antibodies observed in guinea pigs immunized subcutaneously with one vaccination dose of the virus. Conclusion. A domestic attenuated vaccine strain vRub-Ant of the rubella virus that has the main biological markers of attenuation (ts-ca and att phenotypes) has been developed. The vaccine strain vRub-Ant induces a high levels of neutralizing antibodies in guinea pigs following the immunization with a single vaccination dose of the vaccine. The viral strain vRub-Ant has lost its tropism to the MRB of guinea pig embryos, unlike its parent variant

    A screening for serum markers of arbovirus infections in healthy blood donors from the Volgograd Region

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    Volgograd region is considered to be endemic West Nile fever (WNF) area due to the established circulation of the West Nile virus (WNV) therein. Some previous independent studies examining samples collected on the territory of the Volgograd region revealed markers related to the California serogroup (CSG), Sindbis and Ukuniemi viruses. WNF, CSG, Sindbis and Ukuniemi fever mainly being asymptomatic posing thereby a threat of virus spread due to transfusiological manipulations along with vector-borne transmission are manifested by diverse clinical signs. The study was aimed at detection of antibodies specific to West Nile, tick-borne encephalitis, California serogroup (Tyaginya, Inko), Sidbis, and Ukuniemi viruses in blood donors from the Volgograd region. For this, 404 blood sera samples collected from blood donors residing in the Volgograd as well as the Volgograd region were examined by ELISA. It was found that percentage of blood serum samples positive for arbovirus-specific antibodies was 18.32%. Among the, 67 out of 404 (16.58%) samples contained anti-WNV antibodies, 3 out of 279 (1.08%) samples — to tick-borne encephalitis virus, 1 out of 92 (1.09%) — to California serogroup fever and Ukuniemi viruses, and 2 out of 92 (2.17%) — to Sindbis fever virus. Importantly, the peak number of IgG and IgM WNV-positive samples was found among residents of Volgograd (29 out of 110, 26%) and Oktyabrsky district (7 out of 25, 28%). In addition, anti-Sindbis, Ukuniemi and CSG virus antibodies were detected in blood serum samples from blood donors residing in the Kalachevsky region and the city of Volgograd. Analyzing age-related distribution and percentage of seropositive subjects in each age group showed as follows: the lowest percentage (14.5%) was positive for anti-WNV, Sindbis, Ukuniemi and CSG virus antibodies in blood donors aged 32–41 years, whereas the peak percentage (25%) — in the subjects aged 52–61 years. Thus, virus specific antibodies detected in healthy individuals in the aforementioned region evidence about potential recovery after asymptomatic infections. In this regard, further research is required to determine a role of the such arboviruses in the structure of regional infectious diseases. The data obtained suggest a need to continue serological arbovirus monitoring in the Volgograd region

    The Features of West Nile Fever Epidemiological Situation in the World and Russia in 2013 and Prognosis of Its Development in 2014

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    Epidemiological situation on West Nile Fever (WNF) in Europe in 2013 was characterized by a notable rise of morbidity rate primarily due to the outbreak of WNF in Serbia (302 cases registered). In the North America, in the United States and Canada, WNF manifestations in 2013 were characterized by the lower intensity compared to previous epidemic season. 192 cases were registered in 16 constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2013. It was revealed, that genotype 2 West Nile Virus (WNV) circulated in the territory of the Volgograd and Saratov regions, the same as in Serbia, Greece and Italy, and genotype 1 WNV in the Astrakhan region. According to the data obtained from the Reference Center for monitoring over WNV pathogen, WNV markers were detected in the territory of 61 constituent entities of the Russian Federation throughout the period of observation in 1999-2013 which testified to the existence of potential risk of human exposure during epidemic season in most of the parts of country. According to Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring forecast, climatic conditions in Russia for the next 5-10 years will stick to global warming trend which will contribute to further spread of WNV onto the northern areas


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    The study was conducted to evaluate the activity parameters of local and systemic inflammation in women suffering from bronchial asthma (BA). 119 women with asthma were studied, and 48 with a regular menstrual cycle and 71 in menopause; 38,7% of BA was mild, 61,3% – moderate severity. All patients were examined in the remission phase of the disease. On the background of normal values of conventional indicators of inflammation it was showed a significant increase of IL 1 alpha and IL 8 more in the group of women with regular menstrual cycles and normal body weight, IL1 alpha amounted to 489±80 pg/ml and IL8 – 631±122 pg/ml (p<0.05), which emphasizes the role of hormonal status of patients, and also the necessity of using the basic anti-inflammatory therapy during remission of BA.Исследование проведено с целью оценки активности параметров местного и системного воспаления у женщин, страдающих бронхиальной астмой (БА). Исследованы 119 больных БА женщин, из них 48 с регулярным менструальным циклом и 71 в менопаузе, у 38,7% БА была легкой степени; у 61,3% - средней тяжести. Все больные обследовались в фазу ремиссии заболевания. На фоне нормальных значений общепринятых показателей воспаления выявлено значительное повышение IL 1альфа и IL8 больше, в группе женщин с регулярным менструальным циклом и нормальной массой тела, IL1 альфа составил 489±80 pg/ml, а IL8- 631±122 pg/ml p<0,05, что подчеркивает роль гормонального статуса пациенток, а также необходимость использования базисной противовоспалительной терапии во время ремиссии БА

    Evolutionary subdivision of domestic chickens: implications for local breeds as assessed by phenotype and genotype in comparison to commercial and fancy breeds

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    To adjust breeding programs for local, commercial, and fancy breeds, and to implement molecular (marker-assisted) breeding, a proper comprehension of phenotypic and genotypic variation is a sine qua non for breeding progress in animal production. Here, we investigated an evolutionary subdivision of domestic chickens based on their phenotypic and genotypic variability using a wide sample of 49 different breeds/populations. These represent a significant proportion of the global chicken gene pool and all major purposes of breed use (according to their traditional classification model), with many of them being characterized by a synthetic genetic structure and notable admixture. We assessed their phenotypic variability in terms of body weight, body measurements, and egg production. From this, we proposed a phenotypic clustering model (PCM) including six evolutionary lineages of breed formation: egg-type, meat-type, dual purpose (egg-meat and meat-egg), game, fancy, and Bantam. Estimation of genotypic variability was carried out using the analysis of five SNPs, i.e., at the level of genomic variation at the NCAPG-LCORL locus. Based on these data, two generally similar genotypic clustering models (GCM1 and GCM2) were inferred that also had several overlaps with PCM. Further research for SNPs associated with economically important traits can be instrumental in marker-assisted breeding programs

    Опыт применения фокусированного ультразвукового исследования сердца у пациентов с COVID-19 в Prone-позиции

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    Aim of the study. To study the experience of using focused transthoracic echocardiography in patients with COVID-19 in prone position (fEchoPr) in intensive care units (ICU).Materials and methods. The retrospective observational study included 53 patients (period from 15 April to 31 December 2020). Inclusion criteria: confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, availability of fEchoPr data, outcome certainty (discharge/death). We analyzed electronic medical records. The fEchoPr was performed in patients in the prone position with a bolster under the left side of the chest and left arm raised (‘swimmer’s position’). We assessed the systolic function of the right ventricle (RV) (tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE)), RV size, RV/LV ratio, systolic function of the left ventricle (LV) (left ventricular outflow tract velocity time integral. (LVOT VTI)), and pulmonary hypertension (PH) (tricuspid regurgitation peak gradient (PGTR). Depending on the results, the patients were divided into 2 groups: informative (+fEchoPr) and non-informative (–fEchoPr) examinations.Results. There was no statistically significant difference in the groups (+fEcho n = 35 vs –fEcho n = 18) by age (65.6 ± 15.3 vs 60.2 ± 15.8, p > 0.05), by gender (male: 23 (65.7%) vs 14 (77.8%), p > 0.05), by body mass index (31.3 ± 5.3 kg/m 2 vs 29.5 ± 5.4 kg/m2 , p > 0.05), by mechanical ventilation support (24 (68.6%) vs 17 (94.4%), p = 0.074), by NEWS scale indicators (6.9 ± 3.7 vs 8.5 ± 3.5 points), by mortality (82.8% vs 94.4%, p > 0.05). Correlation analysis revealed a moderate inverse relationship between being on mechanical ventilation and the informative value of the study (Spearman's r = −0.30 at p = 0.033). In the +fEchoPr group, the correct measurement of TAPSE and RV/LV was carried out in 100%: a decrease in RV systolic function was recorded in 5 patients (14%), expansion of the RV in 13 patients (37%). Signs of PH were detected in 11 patients (31%), PGTR could not be measured in 10 patients (28%). LV systolic dysfunction was detected in 7 patients (20%). No pathology was detected in 16 patients (46%). One patient was diagnosed with infective endocarditis of native mitral valve, which was later confirmed by autopsy.Conclusion. In 66% of cases, fEchoPr examinations were informative, especially in terms of assessing the state of the right heart. fEchoPr examination is an affordable, valid and reproducible method to assess and monitor the state of the heart in ICU patients.Цель исследования: изучение опыта применения фокусированного трансторакального эхокардиографического исследования в Prone-позиции (фЭхоPr) в отделениях реанимации и интенсивной терапии (ОРИТ) у пациентов с COVID-19.Материал и методы. В ретроспективное наблюдательное исследование включено 53 пациента (период 15.04–31.12.20). Критерии включения: подтвержденный диагноз COVID-19, наличие данных фЭхоPr, определенность исхода (выписка/смерть). Анализировались электронные истории болезни. фЭхоPr выполнялось в положении пациента на животе с валиком под левой частью грудной клетки и поднятой левой рукой (“поза пловца”). Проводилась оценка систолической функции правого желудочка (ПЖ) (измерение экскурсии фиброзного кольца трикуспидального клапана (TAPSE)), размера ПЖ, систолической функции левого желудочка (ЛЖ) (измерение интеграла линейной скорости кровотока в выходном тракте ЛЖ (VTIвтлж)), параметра ПЖ/ЛЖ, легочной гипертензии (ЛГ) (измерение пикового градиента трикуспидальной регургитации (PGTR)). В зависимости от результатов пациенты были разделены на 2 группы: информативные (+фЭхоPr) и неинформативные (−фЭхоPr) исследования.Результаты. Не выявлено статистически значимой разницы в группах (+фЭхоPr n = 35 vs -фЭхоPr n = 18) по возрасту (65,6 ± 15,3 года vs 60,2 ± 15,8 года, р > 0,05), полу (муж.: 23 (65,7%) vs 14 (77,8%), р > 0,05), индексу массы тела (31,3 ± 5,3 кг/м 2 vs 29,5 ± 5,4 кг/м2 , р > 0,05), нахождению на искусственной вентиляции легких (ИВЛ) (24 (68,6%) vs 17 (94,4%), р = 0,074), показателям шкалы NEWS (6,9 ± 3,7 vs 8,5 ± 3,5 балла), летальности (82,8% vs 94,4%, р > 0,05). Корреляционный анализ выявил умеренную обратную связь между нахождением на ИВЛ и информативностью исследования (r-Спирмена = −0,30 при р = 0,033). В группе +фЭхоPr корректное измерение TAPSE и ПЖ/ЛЖ проведено в 100%: снижение систолической функции ПЖ зафиксировано у 5 (14%), расширение ПЖ у 13 (37%) пациентов. Признаки ЛГ выявлены у 11 (31%), измерить PGTR не удалось у 10 (28%) человек. Систолическая дисфункция ЛЖ выявлена у 7 (20%). Не было выявлено патологии у 16 (46%) пациентов. У одного пациента диагностирован инфекционный эндокардит нативного митрального клапана, подтвердившийся при проведении аутопсии.Заключение. В 66% случаев проведение фЭхоPr было информативным, особенно в части оценки состояния правых отделов сердца. фЭхоPr – доступный, валидный и воспроизводимый метод оценки и мониторинга состояния сердца у пациентов в ОРИТ

    [Genetic variation of the NCAPG-LCORL locus in chickens of local breeds based on SNP genotyping data] Генетическая изменчивость локуса NCAPG-LCORL у кур локальных пород на основе данных SNP-генотипирования

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    Using SNP analysis, genomic variation of the NCAPG-LCORL locus in chickens of 49 gene pool breeds and crossbreds from the Genetic Collection of Rare and Endangered Chicken Breeds was analyzed. Genotyping was performed using an Illumina Chicken 60K SNP iSelect BeadChip. As a result of SNP scanning, five significant SNPs were identified in the NCAPG-LCORL region in all breeds and crossbreds of the analyzed groups of chickens for GGA4. Cluster analysis of admixture models revealed a subdivision of individuals according to their origin at K = 5. Chickens of the egg and meat types formed two separate clusters, which is consistent with the results of genotype frequencies. When analyzing genetic differentiation between groups of chickens with different utility types on the basis of pairwise FST values, significant differences (p < 0.05) were found for the group of egg-type chickens in comparison with meat-type (0.330), dual purpose (meat-egg, 0.178), game (0.225 ) and dual purpose (egg-meat, 0.237) chickens, as well as for meat-type relative to fancy chickens (0.153). The results showed that the compared groups differ genetically from each other, which is confirmed by the data on genotype frequencies. The population specificity of the linkage disequilibrium structure at the NCAPG-LCORL locus was revealed for 11 chicken breeds. В ходе исследования с помощью анализа однонуклеотидного полиморфизма (SNP) была проанализирована геномная изменчивость локуса NCAPG-LCORL у кур 49 генофондных пород и гибридных форм из «Генетической коллекции редких и исчезающих пород кур». Генотипирование проводили с помощью чипа Illumina Chicken 60K SNP iSelect BeadChip. В результате SNP-сканирования у всех пород и гибридов анализируемых групп кур на GGA4 в регионе, включающем NCAPG-LCORL, и в области рядом с этим регионом определено пять значимых SNPs, которые могут быть кандидатами для селекции с помощью маркеров (MAS). Кластерный анализ адмикс-моделей обнаружил разделение особей соответственно их происхождению при К=5. Куры яичного и мясного направления продуктивности сформировали два обособленных кластера, что согласуется с результатами частот генотипов. При анализе генетической дифференциации между группами кур различного направления продуктивности на основе попарных FST-значений отмечены достоверные различия (p < 0,05) для группы кур яичного направления продуктивности в сравнении с мясными (0,330), мясо-яичными (0,178), бойцовыми (0,225) и яично-мясными (0,237), а также для кур мясного направления продуктивности относительно декоративных (0,153). Результаты показали, что сравниваемые группы отличаются генетически друг от друга, что подтверждается данными о частотах генотипов. Выявлена популяционная специфичность структуры неравновесия по сцеплению (LD) по локусу NCAPG-LCORL для 11 пород кур

    Peculiarities of Innovative Risk Management at Industrial Enterprises of Ukraine

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    The article is devoted to the study of enterprise risk management in innovation, which necessitates the study and generalization of innovation experience in Ukraine and other countries. Substantiated and highlighted issues related to improving the process of innovation risk management in the enterprise. The process of innovation risk management at domestic enterprises is studied. Identified existing problems that arise during this process, and identify the main ways to solve them. Important rules that need to be followed in order to increase the effectiveness of innovation risk management in domestic enterprises are highlighted.Стаття присвячена дослідженню управління інноваційними ризиками на підприємстві, що обумовлює необхідність вивчення і узагальнення інноваційного досвіду України та інших країн. Обґрунтувано та висвітлено питання, що пов'язані з поліпшенням процесу управління інноваційними ризиками на підприємстві. Досліджено процес управління інноваційними ризиками на вітчизняних підприємствах. Виявлено існуючі проблеми, що виникають під час здійснення цього процесу, та визначено основні шляхи їх розв’язання. Виділено важливі правила, яких необхідно дотримуватися з метою підвищення ефективності управління інноваційними ризиками на вітчизняних підприємствах.Статья посвящена исследованию управления инновационными рисками на предприятии, которое обусловливает необходимость изучения и обобщения инновационного опыта Украины и других стран. Обоснованы и освещены вопросы, которые связаны с улучшением процесса управления инновационными рисками на предприятии. Исследован процесс управления инновационными рисками на отечественных предприятиях. Выявлены существующие проблемы, которые возникают во время осуществления этого процесса, и определены основные пути их решения. Выделены важные правила, которых необходимо придерживаться с целью повышения эффективности управления инновационными рисками на отечественных предприятиях

    Method of Immuno-PCR in diagnostics of bacterial and viral infections

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    Immuno-PCR (I-PCR) combines the capabilities of two modern diagnostic methods of enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), combination these methods causes a 100-10000 fold increase in sensitivity compared to a similar ELISA. The review considers the main variants of I-PCR, gives examples of possible use of the method for early and retrospective diagnosis of various diseases